Monday, January 16, 2017

Just When You Think Singing Is Done


Just when you think that singing is done, you get roped into another choir event. 

Next week is Stake Connference. And Sister Svetlana pulled out her laso and roped us missionaries into another event. On Sunday we saw her going around and talking woth the other missionaries. We knew something was coming. We almost made it through all of church avoiding her. But in the end she caught us. We had choir practice that night with other stake members. And for the first time ever she said that we sounded good! Kind of ironic though, because in my opinion that was the worst we have sounded. It was quite difecult for me because even though I don't have the rummbly voice of a low voice, I still sing bass. And in the song we practiced, Tenor and Bass parts don't exist. Only men's voices. And it got up there at times. I'm still recovering. 
This week we had a really awesome Zone meeting where President and Sister Packer came. It was great and very insightful. 
We weren't able to meet with Katya this week because we need another person to be there with us. Usually when we meet with her, we are able to because her husband is there. But her husband doesn't really care it seems like. She is super ready and willing. But her husband is kind of holding her back. She can't come to church unless he takes her and he works on sundays most of the time. He even chooses his own schedule. if he really just had a little bit of a desire, Katya would be baptized and Sasha would come back. 
On Sunday, one of the members asked Elder Carr and I to help him with his class. If I learn anything from serving outside of the U.S. it is that the Church is exactly the same where ever you are. Youth Sunday School class is literaly the exact same. There is the one kid who is the know-it-all and doesn't keep quite. The one who you can rely on to help the lesson actually preogress. And the ones that are anoyed at the one kid who is super loud. 
So far in this area we have not been able to find any less-active members who actually live there or who answer. But this week we actually found someone! And she let us in!! We had a short lesson with Tatyana. Again another testiment that those who fall away, do because they stop reading the Book of Mormon!. Read the flippin' book!!!
This week we also got a member to on a lesson with us. We and Brother Aleksander come woth us on a lesson with Vladimir. At this point we are not sure why Vladimir keeps agreeing to mett with us. he doesn't seemed to accept anything we say or explain and just wants to agrue with us. We also started teaching a former investigator by the name of Anton. He is very strange and I don't know what to thik about him. But will do the best we can to be a tool in the Lord's hands and do what He would have us do. 
On Sunday before church Oleg came and we taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Oleg has been investigating for a long time now, but he seems like he is gaining a stronger testimony than I have previously seen. After we taught him we asked him like we always do how he is receiving what we have taught. And like always he just says that it is new info that he is klearning and needs to thinkmabout it. But he also said "You know, I wouldn't still be meeting with you if I didn't like what I'm hearing." I can see God working with him. However slow it may be. This week we wrapped up these Bopok of mormon gift things. We put a copy of the Book of Mormon along with the first three pamphlets and a card with our number and the address to our ward building and wrapped it up like a present and out a cool quote on the front. We gave one of these to Oleg for him to give to his wife. We really want him to bring his family into investigating. He seemed really exicted about this idea. And wants even more, He stayed for Sacrament Meeting. 

Everything is great here in Kiev. Love you all and stay warm!

Старейшина Класон / Elder Clawson

1 comment:

  1. I love my grandson! He's doing so well. I agree with him - read the Book of Mormon!
